Valentine's Day

Choose your platter or box cover first. Create a personalised gift food experience with our customisable options!

Pride Cover Box - Delovery Singapore



Introducing our 'Rainbow / Pride' food platter box—celebrating diversity and love with a...

Bubbles Breakfast


- Moet Chandon Mini - Orange juice - Tea bag - Coffee drip bag - 100% Arabica Specialty...

Love Cover Box - Delovery Singapore



Introducing our 'Love' food platter box—where emotions blossom and hearts unite. Let ...

Continental Breakfast


- Orange juice - Tea bag - Coffee drip bag - 100% Arabica Specialty Coffee. - 2 x fresh...

Late Checkout


Introducing our 'Late Checkout' food platter box—where the joy of indulgence lingers bey...

Hello! Cover Box - Delovery Singapore



Introducing our "Happy!" food platter box, designed to bring joy and celebration to any oc...

Thank you


Introducing our 'Thank you' food platter box—expressing gratitude in every bite. Let ...

Recovery Set


- Bounce Back - 4 recovery pils before/after party - Mints - Recovery drink - Orange ju...

Good Morning Cover Box - Delovery Singapore

Good Morning


Introducing our 'Good Morning' food platter box—awakening your senses with a burst of fr...

Best Day Ever Cover Box - Delovery Singapore

Have The Best Day Ever!


Introducing our 'Have the Best Day Ever!' food platter box—infusing each moment with pur...

Party Set


- Olivia's Cheesecake from Queic - Singapore favorite Cheesecake - Question mark candle ...

You Got This


Introducing our 'You Got This' food platter box—empowering you with unwavering determina...

Flash Cover Box - Delovery Singapore



Introducing our 'Flash' food platter box—ignite your senses with a burst of energy and s...

Last Night A DJ F*cked My Life


Introducing our 'Last Night A DJ Fcked My Life' food platter box—unleashing unforgettabl...

Number 1 Fan Cover Box - Delovery Singapore

Number 1 Fan


Introducing our 'Number 1 Fan' food platter box—perfect for superfans like you! Let y...



Introducing our 'Baby' food platter box—adorably designed for the little ones! Create he...

Get Ready Baby Cover Box - Delovery Singapore

Get Ready Baby!


Introducing 'Get Ready, Baby'—our food platter box designed to make every occasion a del...

Vermouth Set


- Cocktail ready to serve - Tea bag - Coffee drip bag - 100% Arabica Specialty Coffee. ...

Continental & Bubbles


- Moet Chandon Mini - Orange juice - Tea bag - Coffee drip bag - 100% Arabica Specialty...